Covering Testimony: Laura B.

Name: Laura B. | Age: 50 | Location: Apex, North Carolina (USA) | Date started covering: 2007
1) Introduce yourself to our readers.
Hi, I’m Laura and I am in LOVE with Jesus! I love His Word, His constant companionship, and His sweet grace; I can’t wait to get to heaven and be with Him forever. While I am expectantly waiting for that day, I love to take good care of my dear husband of 29 years, our home, and our sweet dog.
I live in Apex, North Carolina, nicknamed “The Peak of Good Living” — and I agree with that nickname. I am 50 years old, have been a vegetarian for 35 years, and donated a kidney in 2016. Although I have a Master’s in Nutrition, I enjoy teaching piano and guitar to children. I also play & sing hymns, and teach the Bible to women in nursing/retirement homes two days a week. I am also active in my church where I delight in serving, loving on, and encouraging the flock of God, especially the seniors!
I did not grow up in a Christian home, though my family occasionally went to church. After my parents divorced in my teens, I decided I was an agnostic. I later married a Christian who was on a prodigal path — but after he rededicated his life to the Lord, my husband’s patience, love, and prayer were used by God to draw me into the Kingdom. We now love exhorting each other to follow the Bible in every aspect of our lives. We try to live according to Paul’s directions for believers in 1 Thessalonians 4:11: to aspire to live a quiet life, mind our own business, and work with our own hands.
2) Where do you attend church? Tell us a little bit about it. Do others practice head covering there?
I attend Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, NC. The teaching is refreshingly sound, and Pastor Stephen Davey has an international radio ministry called Wisdom for the Heart, which some may be familiar with. Shepherds Theological Seminary is another ministry associated with our church and is located on our church campus. The seminary professors teach the Bible classes on Sunday at church, so I am blessed to be under excellent teaching. There are probably 6,000 to 8,000 members, and as far as I can see, I am the only one who adheres to the biblical direction found in 1 Corinthians 11 to cover. Nevertheless, that doesn’t hinder me a bit. Read more