Preacher: Christian McShaffrey | Sermon Length: 23min | Preached: Aug 14, 2011
Christian McShaffrey is the Pastor of Grace Reformed Church of Reedsburg, WI (a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church). He lives in the rolling hills south of town with his wife Kelly and six children. In addition to his domestic and ministerial calling, Mr. McShaffrey serves as the Stated Clerk of his presbytery, advises the board of 89.5 FM-WCNP, and created the website Serious Christianity.
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At a very young age, Joel responded to the Gospel message and became a disciple of Jesus Christ. As a young man, he felt God’s call to ministry and after graduating from High School he began working at his church. He served in whatever way possible and eventually became the worship leader and worked with the youth ministry. In 2008 he was led by the Lord to plant The Bible Fellowship a non-denominational church in Wimauma, FL. He has been pastoring there ever since. Joel and his wife Denaye have 3 children and are blessed and privileged to know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Preacher: J. Glenn Ferrell | Sermon Length: 45min | Preached: Dec 13, 2015
Glenn Ferrell has been pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco since November 5th, 2010. Previously, he was pastor of Sovereign Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho, for more than five years; and prior to that a church planter and evangelist in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. Glenn grew up in Eastern Kentucky, the grandson of coal miners, a seventh generation Appalachian. He attended college in North Carolina, and seminaries in New Jersey, Kentucky and California. He did additional graduate work in Ohio and Kentucky. He was ordained to the ministry in 1987. Before that he worked in communications, information systems, and as a community developer. He served in Southeast Asia with the Army Signal Corps in the mid 70s. Married to Susan Nye Ferrell; they have six children and twelve grandchildren.
Glenn is an orthodox, confessional Calvinist, who subscribes to the historical Westminster Standards as an accurate summary of the most important teachings of the Bible.
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Preacher: William O. Einwechter | Sermon Length: 1hr 10min (+15min of Q&A) | Year preached: Sept 27, 2015
William O. Einwechter is a teaching elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. He is a graduate of Washington Bible College (B.A.) and Capital Bible Seminary (Th.M.) and was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1982. He is the vice president of the National Reform Association and editor of the periodical “The Christian Statesman.” He is the author of “Ethics and God’s Law” and “English Bible Translations: By What Standard?” and editor of the book “Explicitly Christian Politics.” His writings have appeared in “The Christian Statesman,” “Chalcedon Report,” and “Patriarch.” He and his wife Linda are the parents of 10 children.
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Editors note: This is a fantastic sermon. Very helpful info. Highly recommended.
After completing an M.A. in Bible from Bob Jones University in May 1977, Mark was burdened to continue his education. While continuing to pastor a small church in North Carolina, he began pursuing a doctoral degree. During this time, he accepted a call from Mount Calvary Baptist Church (Greenville, SC) to serve as a part-time associate pastor along with then-Pastor Jesse Boyd, a man with 40 years of pastoral ministry experience whose influence on Mark had already been formative. Soon he began teaching full-time at BJU, eventually teaching both Bible and Homiletics on the undergraduate and graduate levels. After three additional years, he completed a PhD in New Testament Interpretation in 1983 with a dissertation on “The Matthean Genealogy and Birth Account of Jesus Christ.”
For the next five years, he taught full-time and faithfully assisted Pastor Boyd as one “who poured water on the hands of Elijah” (2 Kings 3:11). In May 1989, Pastor Boyd handed over to Mark the reins of the ministry of Mount Calvary Baptist Church. At this point, he greatly reduced his University teaching role and became the first full-time pastor in the church’s 27-year history.
Since that time, God has expanded Mark’s ministry and provided even broader opportunities of service for him. He and his wife, Linda, have raised three girls, two of whom are now married. Mark is not only a pastor to his congregation. He regularly visits international mission fields to aid and encourage missionaries, serves on the boards of Gospel Fellowship Association Missions and the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship, and serves as a member of The Committee on the Bible’s Text and Translation.
The Choir at Mount Calvary Baptist Church (where Mark serves as Pastor).
It’s difficult to put into words how grateful we are that Pastor Mark Minnick preached through this section of Scripture. He goes through this passage slowly and with great exegetical care. It truly is one of our favorite sermon series on this passage. It is a must hear series and I’m sure after you listen you’ll want to pass it on to others too.
Part 1 - The Church's Tradition of Headcovering and Uncovering
Preacher: Rev. Colin Mercer | Sermon Length: 43 min | Year preached: February 2003
Rev. Colin Mercer is the senior minister of Faith Free Presbyterian Church. He and his family moved to Greenville from Northern Ireland in September, 2009. He was converted to Christ at the age of eight. He commenced attending his local Free Presbyterian Church in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, as a young teenager and soon became involved in the ministry of that congregation. He served as a Sunday School teacher and participated in Youth meetings and open air services. In 1988 he was called by God to prepare for the gospel ministry and consequently in September 1989 commenced studies in the Theological Hall of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. On the completion of his studies he accepted a call from the Castlederg congregation and was ordained and installed on 21st January 1994. In 1999 Rev. Mercer moved to Mourne Free Presbyterian Church, and accepted the Lord’s call to Faith in May 2009.
Mr. Mercer and his wife, Heather, have two daughters, Lois is a student at Bob Jones University and Hannah attends Bob Jones Academy.
The subject of the headcovering has caused great controversy within the church of Christ. Strange as it seems, many believers accept the latter part of 1 Corinthians 11 but have grave difficulty when it comes to the opening verses. However, obedience to God is important on every matter – even on the matter of the headcovering.
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