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What Did Saint Augustine Believe About Head Covering?

Head Covering: Church History Profiles

[Series introduction: This post is part of a series that examines what certain leaders in church history believed about head covering. Their arguments, choice of language and conclusions should not be misconstrued as an endorsement from us. The purpose of this series is to faithfully show what they believed about covering rather than only selectively quoting the parts we agree with.]

Saint Augustine (354-430 A.D.) served as Bishop of Hippo (modern day Annaba, Algeria). He is the pre-eminent “Doctor of the Church” according to Roman Catholicism, and is considered by many Evangelicals to be one of the theological fathers of the Protestant Reformation due to his teachings on salvation and grace. He is best known for his books “Confessions” and “The City of God.”

Augustine received a letter from his friend Possidius who was Bishop of Calama asking him numerous questions. One of those questions was should he (Calma) permit “ornaments of gold and costly dress?” Augustine told him that it shouldn’t be forbidden “except in the case of those who [are] neither [married] nor [intend] to marry.” He said this was because they “are bound to consider only how they may please God.” The rational he provided to allow those who are married to wear decorated dress was that they must “consider how they may in these things please their wives if they be husbands, their husbands if they be wives” (1 Cor 7:32-34.) So Augustine saw that looking good and attractive for your spouse was permitted. He did have one stipulation to this allowance though. He said, “with this limition, that it is not becoming even in married women to uncover their hair, since the apostle commands women to keep their heads covered.” So here we see that even though he permits married women to wear decorated dress, they are not allowed to uncover their heads. The fact that he said it was not becoming “even” in married women likely indicates that he believed single women were to cover their heads too. The fact he addressed a modern situation shows that Augustine believed that head covering was not cultural but was to be practiced in his day in Northern Africa. 1) All quotations from this paragraph are taken from “Letter 245” which can be read online here: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102245.htm Read more


 All quotations from this paragraph are taken from “Letter 245” which can be read online here: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102245.htm

Reaction To The Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage

It’s never been more important as it is now for Christians to be able to articulate biblical manhood & womanhood and God’s design for gender and sexuality. We must embody these truths in our lives and a part of that includes embracing the symbols that God has given us to show men and woman in their right position before God (1 Cor 11:2-16). As pastor Mark Minnick recently said “this is so timely.”

A Guide To Head Covering Styles

A Guide To Head Covering Styles

Maybe your new to head coverings and you are confused by all the styles available. You don’t know what a “tichel” is or you are wondering which style is appropriate for a Christian woman to wear. I am blessed to be a part of an amazing group of woman on Facebook that daily interact with each other. And let me say that they wear EVERYTHING under the sun — from a more traditional Mennonite style cap to simple headbands to a Muslim hijabs.

In the Bible, Paul doesn’t address the style of head covering, but rather that we should be covered. The interpretation of that verse when it comes to style is far and wide. The list below is by no means exhaustive.

For more images of head coverings, visit The Head Covering Movement’s Pinterest page!

There are so many different styles of head coverings to choose from when covering as a Christian woman. Check out these styles and learn more about head covering.

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Head Covering Testimonies


Covering Testimony: Deborah F.

1) 読者のみなさんに自己紹介してください。



2) どこの教会に通っていますか。それについて少しお話ください。


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Apostolic Constitutions Quote Image

Apostolic Constitutions Quote Image

Source: Apostolic Constitutions (Book II) – Section 7


Head Covering Testimonies


Covering Testimony: Caroline M.


こんにちは。カロリーヌと申します。私はLa Femme Modeste(「慎み深い女性」)というクリスチャン向けフランス語ブログの執筆者です。私は自分のことを「サーカスの娘」と呼ぶことが多いのですが、なぜかというと、それが私が幼い時からやってきた生業だからです。


2) どこの教会に通っていますか。他の姉妹たちも祈りのベールを実践していますか。


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なぜかぶり物?理由その4 【教会の慣習】

Biblical Case for Head Coverings

メアリー・A・カスィアン(南バプテスト神学大学 女性学) 1) メアリー・カスィアン – Women, Creation and the Fall (Crossway Books, 1990) – p 100.






みてください。かぶり物に関するこの教え(1コリ11:3-16)は、対照的な二つの言明の間にサンドイッチのように挟まれています。 Read more


 メアリー・カスィアン – Women, Creation and the Fall (Crossway Books, 1990) – p 100.

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