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Le voile, entre peine et privilège.

Head Coverings: The Pain and the Privilege

[Auteur invité : Cet article a été écrit par Carlton McLeod. Si écrire pour le Head Covering Movement vous intéresse, contactez-nous !]

Carlton Mcleod

Carlton McLeod est né à Colombia en Caroline du Sud, et il a grandi à Upper Malboro dans le Maryland. En 1987, il est entré dans la Marine, et il s’est hissé au rang de lieutenant avant que le Seigneur ne l’appelle au ministère à plein-temps. En 1997, Dr. McLeod et son épouse Donna se sont établis dans l’église Calvary Revival Church de Chesapeake en Virginie. Dr. McLeod veille précautionneusement à ce que son enseignement soit toujours plein de compassion et très ancré dans une vision biblique du monde. Après avoir passé les premières années de son ministère à essayer de sortir les jeunes des ténèbres avec les méthodes du monde, il est revenu à la Bible pour se rendre compte du besoin pressant que les familles vivent l’Évangile et qu’elles pratiquent un discipulat familial biblique, qui soit fervent, constant et conduit par l’Esprit. C’est pour répondre à cette vision que la D6 Reformation a été créée. Dr. McLeod a décroché un bachelor en sciences appliquées à l’Université d’Hampton, un master de théologie et un doctorat en ministère pastoral au Séminaire Théologique d’Andersonville. Carlton et son épouse Donna sont mariés depuis 1992 et ont trois beaux enfants : Dori, Aryanna et Jonathan.

En janvier 2013, le Seigneur m’a poussé à prêcher sur l’Épître aux Corinthiens, verset par verset. Sachant ce que contient cette lettre paulinienne j’étais excité mais aussi nerveux. Pourquoi ? À cause de ce que ça impliquerait d’obéir vraiment à ce qui y est écrit. En fait, j’ai veillé à vérifier “doublement” que ce projet de prédication soit bien conforme à la volonté du Seigneur pour notre congrégation ! J’ai d’abord discerné dans la prière. Puis j’ai soumis le projet aux anciens. Nous en avons parlé et nous avons prié. Pourquoi tant de précautions ? Parce que la première lettre aux Corinthiens est un livre qui fait peur, prêcher sur d’autres chapitres de la Bible est tellement plus facile ! Pourtant, en mai 2013 nous nous sommes lancés (avec beaucoup de prières !) et nous en sommes arrivés à bout en décembre 2014.

Bon, je dois avouer que mes craintes étaient fondées. L’Épître a complètement secoué notre assemblée. Pourquoi ? Parce que nous avons simplement refusé d’ignorer les passages difficiles et avons au contraire étudié chacun d’eux en profondeur en faisant du mieux que l’on a pu. En conséquence, les gens se sont offusqués. Certaines personnes nous ont quittés. Et j’ai été (et suis toujours) l’objet de vives critiques. Encore une fois… Pourquoi ? Parce que cette section des Saintes Écritures contient beaucoup de choses que les gens de notre époque moderne n’aiment pas du tout entendre, surtout pour ce qui concerne la discipline d’église, les dons spirituels, l’ordre dans l’église et les questions sur les femmes. En fait c’est ce dernier point qui a fait déborder le vase. Read more

5 Ways to Get Out of a Head Covering Slump

5 Ways to Get Out of a Head Covering Slump

Being one of the few bloggers that blogs regularly about head covering, you’d think that would be enough incentive to motivate and excite me toward head covering.

But I’m just like anyone else.

After the initial honeymoon phase wears off, head covering becomes just a regular part of my life. It’s special, for sure. But no more special than praying or serving.

So, I was driving to a blogging conference and it got me thinking about how I, as a head-covering blogger, felt like I’d been in a head covering slump.

I covered at church and during personal prayer (mostly), but where I once covered — during mealtime prayers or occasionally out of the house — I wasn’t.

I know covering isn’t the end all be all, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this head covering conundrum and figure out how to reignite my passion for covering again.

I’ve been doing some personal assessment and thought about the issue and wanted to share with my head covering community what I’ve discovered. Read more

Share Your Unique Photo of the Book

David Phillips Book Image

Our friend David Phillips sent us this photo of him receiving our new book from Amazon. We’d love to get more photos from our readers so we can re-share some of them on social media.

Let’s see your unique and creative pics with either the paperback or Kindle versions. You can submit your photo through this page

If you don’t have a copy yet, you can get one on Amazon. Direct purchase links are on www.christianheadcovering.com

Don’t worry if you haven’t received your copy yet. Post it whenever it arrives 🙂

Can’t wait to see them!!!

JUST RELEASED: Head Covering (The Book)

Head Covering Paperback Book

It’s finally here! Today I’m excited to announce the release of my book Head Covering: A Forgotten Christian Practice For Modern Times. I started writing this book in 2009, so it’s a tremendous blessing to finally be able to release it after seven years of revising and re-vamping, while waiting for the right time to publish.

You can get yourself a copy today in paperback or Kindle by clicking the button below.

Buy Now on Amazon

If you’d like to know more about this book, please visit this page.


If you consider yourself a part of this movement, here are a few ways you can help me get the word out about this teaching.

  1. Get a copy for you and others in your circle of influence.
    Consider giving copies as Christmas gifts to your theologically minded friends and family. Put a copy in your church or local library.
  2. Share the book release.
    Can you share the news that the book is now available on your social media accounts and/or your blog? You can direct your followers to christianheadcovering.com. Feel free to use our announcement images which can be found on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. Use the hashtag #headcoveringbook so we can re-share some of your posts.
  3. Add to Goodreads & leave review.
    If you use Goodreads please add the book to your “to read” or “currently reading” lists. Please leave a review there when you’ve finished the book.
  4. Leave an Amazon review.
    Amazon reviews are VERY important and they influence people in their purchase decisions. If you could leave a review there when you’ve finished the book that would be a huge blessing.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has helped in promoting this book and teaching.

The Joy of a Clear Conscience: Head Covering, Bikinis, and Modesty

In this video Elizabeth McGee shares about the joy of having a clear conscience. In it she shares an example about bathing suits to help you see that there’s freedom in following the Lord’s commands (in headcovering and everything else).

Why Head Covering Was Not a Jewish Custom

Why Head Covering Was Not A Jewish Custom

In 1 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul commands the practice of head covering when praying and prophesying. One of the most common objections to this being practiced today is the belief that Paul only commanded it for that specific culture. Whenever someone says this, the first thing I want to ask them is, “which culture?” Corinth was multi-cultural city. So which culture was Paul telling the Corinthian believers to adapt to? In this series of posts we will examine the three different cultures that are relevant, which are Greek, Roman, and Jewish cultures. Today we will answer the question, did Paul command head covering so that believers would not offend Jewish culture?

The Jerusalem Council

Around A.D. 48-49, the apostles and elders met together in Jerusalem to debate what was required of gentile believers who were coming to God. Some of the Pharisees said that Gentiles had to “be circumcised and to keep the Law of Moses” (Acts 15:5).  This belief was what led to the council being called. After discussing and debating the issue, they came to a conclusion. They articulated this by letter which was delivered to the churches. Here’s what it said:

For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you [gentiles] no greater burden than these requirements: that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. (Acts 15:28-29 ESV)

The Gentiles were instructed to abstain from four different things so that they would not offend Jewish custom. There was nothing further to be required of them so that there may be “no greater burden”. They didn’t need to be circumcised, they didn’t need to observe feasts and festivals, they didn’t need to do specific washings, and they didn’t need to cover/uncover their heads. No other Jewish practices would be required of Gentile believers. This is significant as the church in Corinth was comprised primarily of gentiles (1 Cor 12:2). So, if Paul were to command the Gentile Corinthians to practice headcovering in order to avoid offending the Jews, that would be contradictory to edict passed down from the Jerusalem council. Read more

Phillip Kayser Quote Image #1

William Kayser Quote Image #1

Source: Dr. Phillip Kayser – Glory and Coverings (Biblical Blueprints, 2009) page 1.

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