Covering the Web: Nov 29/14
- Oh, I Submit Alright…But to What? (Enhance Lives)
“I believe we can get out of this cycle of slipping back into worldly submission. Join me. We must submit to God…Here’s my plan: Head covering and growing my hair out. A symbol of submission that is tangible.” - Headcoverings: Now and Forever or Then and Now Never? (A Kiwi and an Emu)
“It’s said that the first step towards solving a problem is to admit we have one. And we have one. We don’t like headcoverings. In fact, we don’t like them so much, that we approach this passage of Scripture trying to find ways to avoid applying it.” - How to Stand Out in Church (Truth at Home)
“In a church where there about 3,000 attendees, I have discovered that there is one way to stick out for sure: wear a headcovering. When I first began to headcover, I felt so awkward and weird.” - The Biblical Pattern of the Local Church – Part 2 and Part 3 (Inside the Bible Weekly)
“This section is vital, for it is neglected by far to many ‘churches.’ This is the teaching of Headship and the head covering, found in 1 Corinthians 11:1-15. Many raise objections to it. Many are undecided about it. And some would say that this applies at all times. What does Scripture teach?”