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S. Lewis Johnson Quote Image #1

S Lewis Johnson Quote Image #1

Source: S. Lewis Johnson, Covering the Head in Worship (sermon transcription, 2005)

Covering the Web: Feb 21/14

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Courage to cover (Becoming A Titus 2 Wife)
    “Once again, I will be the only one that I know of in our church of over 900 that covers there…If I can’t overcome my fear to cover in public worship when God asks me to, then how can He trust me to obey Him in bigger things?
  • Headcovering in Public Worship (Free Presbyterian Church)
    “In the Free Presbyterian Church we believe we should obey God rather than men–or women! That is why we follow the only custom on this matter that God ever established in His church–that men should not engage in public worship with their heads covered, and women should not do so without their heads being covered. To us this is no legal bondage but a joyful gospel testimony to the sole glory of Christ in His church.”
  • Should Christian women wear a headcovering at church? (The Free Press)
    “It would seem strange that Paul goes to these lengths to command the women to wear the headcovering if the external practice is of no importance whatsoever.”
  • Why Christian Women Cover Their Hair. (BibleStudy.net)
    “We have therefore seen a nearly universal practice, women covering their hair in churches, completely effaced over the course of, say, the past 50 years or so. In fact, the practice has gone so unpracticed, that when my own wife wore a covering over her hair in the church we attended almost 30 years ago, she was the ONLY woman in the church so doing.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Headship and Its Symbols (Sermon)

Rev. William Klock: “Headship and Its Symbols”

Preacher: Rev. William Klock | Sermon Length: 37 min | Year preached: Oct 2009
The Rev’d William Klock is rector of Living Word Reformed Episcopal Church in Courtenay, British Columbia.  He has a Bachelor of Arts in History from Washington State University and a Master of Christian Studies in Old Testament and Biblical Languages from Regent College in Vancouver, B.C.  He has been ministering in the Reformed Episcopal Church since 2001 and in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada before that.  Preaching is one of his great passions, as is instilling a love for the Scriptures in God’s people and their ministers.  He is also a lover of classical, opera, and jazz music; swimming; books and reading; pipe smoking; and his wife, Veronica. William also blogs at “The Anglican Expositor“.
This sermon is EXCELLENT! In just over 35 minutes Rev. Klock gives an expositional overview of 1 Cor 11:2-16 while answering many objections and questions. He says that before preaching this message he was “reading for about 3 months to make sure [he] got the subject right”. When listening to this sermon, that preparedness is clearly evident.  This is biblical preaching at its finest–sound exegesis with pastoral sensitivity. We wholeheartedly commend this sermon to you and encourage you to share it with others.

>>> In addition to streaming this sermon above, you can also download it or read the transcript.

Covering Testimony: Ashley Brown

Head Covering Testimonies
Name: Ashley BrownAge: 22Location: Long Island, New YorkStarted Covering: September 2013

Covering Testimony: Ashley Brown

1) Introduce yourself to our readers.

I’m 22 years old, born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Long Island.

My hobbies are writing music, playing piano, playing basketball, and doing anything fun. I’m an outgoing person- extremely open and maybe too friendly. I’m the kinda girl who basically knows everybody in the area I’m residing, but my actual friends are few. I really love The Lord so much and I’ve grown to the point where all I want to do is please Him and serve Him.

My family is absolutely awesome! We are a homeschooling family, my mom is super smart and super on fire for The Lord. My step dad is currently the worship leader at our church and he is loving, kind, gentle, and generous. I’m the middle child of seven and my siblings are my best friends.

I’ve always had a heart for missions, so this year I dedicated my time to doing my Father’s business out in China. It’s nothing special, just sharing the Word everywhere I go, leading by example, being set apart from worldly things and being ready to give an answer to all who ask of the faith I have. Nevertheless I know God has moved and changed me the most and I thank Him for that. Read more

Bruce Waltke Quote Image #2

Bruce Waltke Quote Image #2

Source: Bruce K. Waltke – 1 Corinthians 11:2-16: An Interpretation (BSAC 135:537, Jan 1978) – Page 56

Covering the Web: Feb 7/14

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Head Covering in Modern Times. Is This A Necessary Practice? (Children Are A Blessing)
    “Months ago I began subscribing to a site called The Head Covering Movement. (Yes, my husband has teased me for this, ha!) Anyhow, while reading their articles and blog posts I began to piece a few clues together that has made this passage become clear to me.”
  • Sunday Brunch – Should Women Cover Their Heads? (Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog)
    Fiction author Cecelia Dowdy brings up the topic and turns it over to you for your thoughts: “Please leave a comment about this thought-provoking subject!”
  • Head-Covering: Is It Still Relevant? (Regeneration, Repentance and Reformation)
    “While the sign upon her head, and it must always be that upon the head if any, may change according to the day, the necessity of it remains. The church has held to this position for nearly two millennia until the sexual revolution and women’s liberation movement; this is an historical fact that cannot be easily dismissed by revisionism.”
  • So…head covering…yes or no? (Blessed Hope Farm)
    “Now, after my long rant in that previous post some of you are still wondering: What did she decide about the head covering and what does it all mean?! I know you are waiting with bated breath so I’ll tell you already.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

John Murray Quote Image #3

John Murray Quote Image #3

Source: John Murray – Head Coverings and Decorum in Worship: A Letter (1973) Point #2

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