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Covering Testimony: Sue Marini

Head Covering Testimonies
Name: Sue MariniAge: 57Location: Lancaster County, PAStarted Covering: 1986

Covering Testimony: Sue Marini

1) Introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Sue and I am the wife of Alex Marini (an elder at Gap View Mennonite Church in PA) and mother of 6 children (ages 17 to 30).  I’m a secretary to my husband’s harp-making business, and have home schooled for 28 years (this spring I graduate!) I was raised in a Catholic family in Massachusetts, and after I became a Christian (at age 18 in 1975), I was a part of a Plymouth Brethren church where the older ladies still wore head coverings to church. I met my husband at this church, and we were married in August of 1980. In 1988 we moved to PA to be a part of an Anabaptist church that held to a more Scriptural teaching on many issues. If you want to read more about my family and see pictures of my children + grandchildren you can go to the “About Us” section of our website at www.marinimadeharps.com. Read more

R.C. Sproul Quote Image #4

R.C. Sproul Quote Image #4

Source: R.C. Sproul – To Cover or Not To Cover Sermon (free clip)

Covering the Web: Jan 24/14

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • What we believe on head covering in church. (Three Girls and their Hobbies)
    “We recently came across this great movie. Please watch this, and let us know what you think…We are not saying that if you don’t wear head covering in church you aren’t a Christian, but that this is a sign of submission to your father and eventually your husband, and through them, God.”
  • My Experience With Head Coverings (Penned by Katrina)
    “My boyfriend at the time asked me why I wouldn’t wear [a head covering], and the only reason I could think of was because I thought it was weird.  That bothered me. I didn’t want to be unwilling to obey Scripture just because it was asking me to do something weird….I am not wearing a head covering now, and am not sure that is what God is asking me, but I do think that attitude changes everything.”
  • More-Less for 2014 and my childish impatience that changed my life (Blessed Hope Farm)
    “The Lord has recently laid upon my heart a passage of Scripture that I can no longer ignore or excuse away. If you are a Christian and have read the first book of Corinthians, you may recall 1 Corinthians 11: 3-16. Ouch, yep, THAT verse. To be honest, I always skipped over that verse because I, and my church leaders, always focused on verse fifteen.”
  • Thought for Thursday (Sussex Gospel Hall)
    “As the woman wears her head covering, she displays to the angels the beauty of God’s order: the woman in subjection to the man,and the man in subjection to Christ. Angels can learn much from you and me. And they will learn, if we follow God’s pattern of authority.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Book of Common Prayer Quote Image

The Book of Common Prayer Quote Image

Source: Church of England, The Book of Common Prayer: “Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical” (Charles Bill: 1706)

Covering Testimony: Tasha Cantrell

Head Covering Testimonies
Name: Tasha CantrellAge: 31Location: Durant, OKStarted Covering: October 2013

Covering Testimony: Tasha Cantrell

1) Introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Tasha.  I have been married to an amazing man of God for 12 ½ years.  We have 2 beautiful children, ages 5 and 8.  My husband has pastored a church out of our garage for almost 1 year now.  I work full time outside of the home right now but would love to be able to stay home and homeschool my children one day.  On top of pastoring, my husband owns his own business.  This is has been a blessing that enables him the freedom to lead and care for his congregation as well as spend lots of family time with me and the kids.  I have served God all of my adult life but have only truly sought Him out with every bit of my being for about the last 5 ½ years.  He has begun to do a great work in me which has included lots of molding and shaping.  Praise the Lord!

2) Where do you attend church? Tell us a little bit about it.

About a year ago, my husband answered the call to pastor his own church.  We now hold church in our garage 3 times a week and are growing rapidly.  We are currently trying to purchase some land to begin the next step of faith on this journey. Read more

Watchman Nee Quote Image #2

Watchman Nee Quote Image #2

Source: Watchman Nee – Love One Another (Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1975) Page 86-87

We’ll be back in 7 days!

Hey everyone, Jeremy from HCM here. Just wanted to give you all a quick update since it’s been a month since I last posted. As of January 1st we moved into our new home and today we finally got internet access back! Lord willing, one week from today we’ll start back with regular posting again. Thanks for your patience during this transition time.

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