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Covering Testimony: Rebekah Martinez

Name: Rebekah Martinez | Age: 24 | Location: Texas | Date started covering: October 2021

The Unexpected Blessings of Head Covering

When I first began to feel convicted to cover my head, I was a little confused. I had never known anyone who practiced this, and I wasn’t sure if I was understanding correctly. It was at a time in my life when I had been praying for change: for my home to be filled with more joy and peace, for direction, and for my husband to step more into his role as the spiritual leader of our home. I didn’t understand where head covering would fit in with this, but I began researching and trying to understand.

I read 1 Corinthians 11 and it became clear to me.

In fact, I have seen many unexpected blessings in my life since beginning to cover!

The Blessing of Peace

I felt the conviction to cover almost tangibly. I wanted to start right away! At first, I only wore it on Sundays but have started covering daily. That first week at church I was the only woman wearing a covering. You might assume this would have caused me to be uncomfortable, but I actually felt very peaceful!

I felt peace that came from obeying 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. The peace that one will feel from being obedient to Scripture is beautiful! It’s all-encompassing. I didn’t mind being the only one who was covering because I knew I was living under the covering of both our Lord and my husband and now had an outward symbol of this wonderful truth.

The Blessing of Silent Witness

While I wholeheartedly agree that we should be evangelizing as much as we can, I love that most people who see me in my veil will know which God I am worshiping without my having to say a word. I hope that others might see my veil and wonder about it. Maybe it will lead them to do some studying of their own, or maybe someone will ask about it one day and give me a chance to witness to them.

I believe we are to be different from the world. As 2 Timothy 2:20-21 tells us, if we will cleanse ourselves from what is dishonorable, we will then be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, and ready for every good work. Being set apart as holy and ready to do good works is wonderful! And what better way to show this on the outside than to be obedient to every part of Scripture? I love that by such a simple act, I’m able to outwardly bring glory to the Lord.

The Blessing of Growing Closer to God

When I put my veil on each morning, it’s such a beautiful reminder to pray and spend a quiet moment with God to start my day. It’s a chance to humble myself and bring everything before the Lord. When I put on my head covering, I’m distinctly reminded of the reason I’m doing so. It’s a practice that never loses its meaning and that is always seen as pleasing in the sight of the Lord. Second Timothy 2:4-7 lets us know that in order to please God, we should live by the rules and guidelines He has set forth for us.

The Blessing of Submission

My head covering is also a reminder of the biblical headship order and that I am under my husband’s authority. I realized that I had been asking God to have my husband lead me, when all the while I was not open to being led. Each time I adjust my covering throughout the day, I’m reminded to be sure I have a joyful heart of submission toward my husband!

When I first approached my husband with the subject, I was surprised that he fully encouraged it. What husband wouldn’t encourage his wife to allow him to fulfill the role of leadership God designed for him? We as a society have been tricked into thinking that submissiveness is a negative trait, but that is a direct contradiction of what the Bible says! Having an attitude of submission to one’s husband is one of the greatest things you can do to help your marriage.

Any situation that includes two leaders fighting for the top spot will be full of conflict and eventually fail. It’s a wonderful thing to sit back and see the perfect way God has designed us! I truly feel that through my obedience in covering, the Lord has blessed me with a more gentle spirit, and I’m thankful to finally have the peace in our home that I was seeking for so long.

I encourage anyone who is feeling that they should begin covering to listen to God’s direction and conviction, and you will be surprised at the unexpected blessings that come along with it. We don’t always understand how the Lord is trying to work in our lives, but we can be sure that His plan is good for us. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), but if we will open our hearts I believe He will help us to understand.

Jessica Roldan
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