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Covering Testimony: Melissa Walker

Head Covering Testimonies
Name: Melissa WalkerAge: 26Location: Colorado Springs, COStarted Covering: June 30 2013

Covering Testimony: Melissa Walker

1) Introduce yourself to our readers.

Hello, my name is Melissa. I am a help-meet to my wonderful husband Jason and mother of 4 blessings; Jamie Lynn 6, Michael 4, Elizabeth 2, and Abigail 6 months. I have been married 9 years come September 2013 and look forward to many more Lord willing. My husband is a medic in the US Army so we have moved a lot but call Colorado our home right now. I homeschool our children and love the closeness it brings to our family.

2) Where do you attend church? Tell us a little bit about it.

We attend Grace Baptist Church Pastored by Matt Miller. Pastor Miller and his wife welcomed us with open arms and hearts. I am the first to cover in our church but hope more will start soon!

3) What led you to start covering?

My husband and I came across the issue of covering years ago but being unsaved we could not fully understand God’s will in the matter. Now with the help of the Holy Spirit we see how to put this into practice and hope to help others do the same.

4) You said that you had covered previously when you were unsaved but just started covering again last week. We’d love to know what it was that caused you to stop and then start again.

When I covered the first time I would cover at all times. I stopped covering because I thought that having long hair was all the cover I needed. I have never heard about covering only during prayer/church. After finding the Head Covering Movement and reading the scripture again with clear eyes I see how God intended covering to be done.

5) Have your children asked why you’re covering your head? What did you tell them?

My three younger children haven’t asked about me covering (yet), but my oldest has. I have shown her the scripture and asked her what she thinks it is talking about. I asked her what she thinks God would want for us to do. She understands that God sakes us to follow his word even if we don’t fully understand why. Jamie has already trusted in Christ as her Savior and Jason and I have decided that if she is ready to do that then she is ready to cover as well.

6) What was that first Sunday like when you showed up in a covering?

My first Sunday covering was odd. My cover felt like it was made of lead! It seemed like every eye was on me. I know that as time goes on it will be come a part of me.

7) What counsel can you give to women that do not cover out of fear?

My advice for other women is to just take that step of faith and pray for comfort. It is best to have a supportive husband or father at your side. Don’t forget that it is not for praise of man but for the glory of God that all things (including covering) should be done.

8) What kind of covering(s) do you use? Where did you get them?

For church I use a fabric headband because it is easy to put on and can be made wider or thinner as needed. At home I have shawls that I can just place over my head when needed.

Would you like to share your story of how you came to believe in head covering? Tell us about it here.

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