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Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

[Re-Blog] How do I Lovingly Submit to my Husband…When We Disagree?

Re-Blog: Headcovering Articles
The following article is a part of our re-blog series where we seek to give exposure to those who are writing interesting pieces on Complementarianism and head covering. We are not the author.

When I first told my husband I wanted to use a head-covering, and explained that the Bible tells women to do so as a sign of submission, he gave me a frown. Submission? The word was distasteful to him. It made him think of a brainless dish rag subjugating herself to every whim of her tyrant master. But, that’s not what he was! So, why submission? After we realized that the Bible uses the word submission to mean that the wife respects her husband’s leadership, we were back on familiar ground.

Similar to how my husband respects and “submits” to the authority of his boss at work, God expects me to respect and submit to the authority of my husband. It doesn’t mean he’s better than me; it means his role and my role are different. He has been given by God the responsibility of leading his family. I have been given by God the responsibility of respecting his opinions and “following through with his orders.” I don’t think submission is so hard to understand when put in those terms.

It’s fairly easy to follow through with orders when what your boss asks of you is something you also agree with. But what about when your boss asks you to do something you don’t agree with? What then? If my husband “disobeys” his boss at work, he could get fired! In the work realm, disrespecting your boss’s orders can get you into big trouble. In much the same way, when a wife disrespects her “boss’s” orders (or wishes), trouble is just around the corner. Marital problems develop. Finger pointing and blaming worsen the situation. Things might get uglier than that; things could end in divorce! That’s not a biblical solution, of course. But, if we don’t want that to happen to us, if we don’t want problems in our marriage, we need to think about how toprevent them before the situation gets serious. There’s got to be a better way of dealing with disagreement.

So, I’m going to throw out a few examples of how one might deal with differences of opinion in a marriage. Of course, these are my own opinions, and even though I will sometimes use quotations from the Bible to support what I believe to be the best solution, you are responsible for reading the Bible for yourself, and obeying God according to your best interpretation. Just watch out for those sneaky preconceived notions that can sometimes get in the way! In this post, I’m going to address head-covering. In subsequent posts, I will tackle other issues.

> READ THE REST: How do I Lovingly Submit to my Husband…When We Disagree? (head covering)

[Re-Blog] Maintain the Traditions

Re-Blog: Headcovering Articles
The following article is a part of our re-blog series where we seek to give exposure to those who are writing interesting pieces on Complementarianism and head covering. We are not the author.

My wife and I have recently studied a matter in God’s Word together. It is something she became very interested in and started asking me about. In studying all the arguments and getting into the detailed exegesis of Paul’s language in this passage, we feel the Lord has blown open a portion of Scripture that was somewhat dim to us before.

This represents our current views on the issue and does not mean we believe those who read this passage differently are in rebellion. We encourage all believers to take a closer look at a passage that has often been brushed aside. I was talking to a minister friend of mine about this issue and he told me he’s heard of a few other wives of ministers switching to covering their heads after studying this passage in depth with their husbands. “What about you?” I asked. He chuckled, “I confess, I haven’t studied it in detail, yet.”

Sarah has written the following to describe her thinking on the matter now. Even if you don’t agree with us, God’s Word has powerful truths for His people in this chapter.

> READ THE REST: Maintain the Traditions (from Fixed Nails)

[Re-Blog] Let the Bible Tell You How to Be a Woman

Let the Bible Tell You How to Be a Woman

The following article is a part of our re-blog series where we seek to give exposure to those who are writing interesting pieces on Complementarianism and head covering. We are not the author.

NOTE: We are unaware of the author’s view on head covering. However, this article is strongly Complementarian and has great relevance to head covering.

There are biblical womanhood passages we hardly blink at. That older women should impart wisdom to younger women is esteemed. That women ought to love their husbands and children is expected, even if challenging at times. And as much as we may give attention to hair and clothing, we understand that in Christ, the inner person deserves our utmost adornment.

But other passages spark something more. Submission can ignite a lively exchange all by itself. Toss in “worker at home” and roles in the church, and you might be ticking towards an explosion. The casualty, however, is often the word of God. As believers, we have an obligation to treat Scripture — even “troublesome” passages — in a Christ-honoring way. Read more

[Re-Blog] Thoughts with No Pennies: Going undercover

Re-Blog: Headcovering Articles
The following article is a part of our re-blog series where we seek to give exposure to those who are writing interesting pieces on Complementarianism and head covering. We are not the author.

From the title of this post you may get visions that I’m going to talk about going undercover, as in being a double agent, or my secret spy life. Not quite that fun or glamorous. I’m going to address a topic that will step on toes, make some outright angry, and probably open me up to the firing squad. What could cause so much trouble among the brotherhood as this? The idea of head covering. I can hear the gasps already.
The first time I came across the passages in 1 Corinthians 11, I was a young teen. The verses intrigued me. It seemed such a simple,straight forward command, that I began to ask questions. First, I inquired of my parents. They did their best to explain why we don’t practice head covering today, but suggested I speak to the minister of our congregation. This minister very simply explained that this was written to the people of Corinth, and it was not meant for us. So I asked, why this principal didn’t apply to other scriptures.  For example, why are women not to have authority over a man (1 Timothy 2:11-12). Did this mean I could be a song leader? Couldn’t the same idea he used to explain head covering be used to explain away similar things? If this was true, why did we still obey the other commands and not this one.  He was quick to point out that in 1 Timothy 2:13-14, it referred to the “creation order”, a timeless principle that validated this command in his opinion.
It just didn’t make sense to me. It seemed so simple when I read it. I was reminded that I was young and still learning, and to leave the explanations to the leaders. Defeated, and confused I took their word for it. Still, it poked at me from the corner of my mind. Read more

[Re-Blog] Controversy…but NEEDED!

Re-Blog: Headcovering Articles
The following article is a part of our re-blog series where we seek to give exposure to those who are writing interesting pieces on Complementarianism and head covering. We are not the author.

So I’m sitting with a dear friend recently, a good pastor, with my heart breaking as he told me of a massive exodus in his church by women, who according to him, “Took their husbands and left.”  My friend was hurting.  Badly.  I so get that, because I’ve been there.His crime?  Seeking to teach and apply God’s directions for the order of home and church.Scripture lays out CLEARLY the distinct and complementary roles of men and women in the home and church.  CLEARLY.  Think about the number of clear precepts: 1 Tim 2, 1 Tim 3, Titus 1, Titus 2, 1 Cor 11, 1 Cor 14, Eph 5, Col 3, 1 Pet 3, etc. What else would Christ have to say to convince us? Yet we have a better plan.  And our plan is terrible.  People are getting hurt.  Churches are getting hurt.  Marriages are getting hurt.  Culture has lost the light of the church.  We have blatantly disobeyed God’s order for HIS church and we are paying a terrible price. Below is the most controversial sermon I’ve ever preached in my nearly 20 years of pastoring our church, and the most watched.  It cost me members and friends (literally), but also gained me some as well, by the mercy of God.  People are still calling, emailing, and even visiting our church from other states (two years later!) because we were bold enough to actually preach this sermon.  Just yesterday, I met another brother in Christ from another state, who found this sermon, and now gets his family up early every Sunday to watch what God is doing in our church before he goes to his.  I’m amazed because this just keeps happening.  God has sense of humor! 🙂 In it, some of these issues are touched upon.  May the Lord give us the strength to obey His Holy Word.

Source: Controversy…but NEEDED! — Calvary Revival Church Chesapeake

Covering the Web: June 24/16

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • Why the “Small” Matter of Headcovering is NOT a Small Matter (Truth at Home)
      “…headcovering isn’t just about a piece of cloth. It isn’t just about appearances. What it’s really about is how we interpret the word of God: Do we interpret the Bible at face value, or do we interpret it based on assumptions?”
    • 31 How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster Tips (OLWomen)
      “Long, healthy and gorgeous looking locks are the most desirable…[the following] are some of the easiest techniques to make your hair grow faster and long utterly beautiful.” Submitted to us by Velma Gray. No idea if any of these work but thought it would be of interest to our readers because of 1 Cor 11:15
    • Christian Woman Wearing a Hijab- What Was It Like? (Healthy Life = Happy Wife)
       “I experimented with this topic and I decided to wear a Hijab everyday for two weeks. My results were very unexpected…On a spiritual level, I felt so close to God….It made me not want to take it off.”
    • Our Head Covering Applications (Another Radical Reformation)
      “The head covering is a good example of a Biblical command that Anabaptists have added applications to. I have my own preferences for my wife and daughters in regards to our application of this command…And if I insist that everyone must do exactly as I do or I can not consider them to be a true brother/sister in Christ, something is wrong.”
    • When Going Out Without a Hat Was Grounds for Scandal (Atlas Obscura)
      “I think part of it had to do with women not wanting to be told what to do, darnit—not being told whether you have to be respectable, have to do this, do that,” says Conti. “It’s like the statement with burning bras: get rid of a hat, you’re free! Like being on the front bow of the Titanic and the wind blowing in your hair—it was a freedom.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Covering the Web: June 10/16

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • On Double Standards and Idols (Another Radical Reformation)
      “We expect the women to wear a head covering at all times, because we all know, of course, that she is to “pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17). But yet we interpret that same verse differently for ourselves. Why do we apply this verse differently to a man than we do for the woman?”
    • The Ornament of a Meek and Quiet Spirit (Christian Homestead)
      “This is why for the past two years I have chosen to cover my head: I desire to be obedient to the directions given in 1 Cor. 11; I desire to show the world that I have forsaken it’s ways and willingly and cheerfully choose to be in subjection to my husband…”
    • She Thought Rules Were Constricting (Truth at Home)
      “I flipped through a book at the Christian bookstore the other day about a woman who did something daring and unexpected….This lady thought that by cutting off all her hair at the end of her project made her “free,” and symbolized her claim to grace. I felt a little sorry for her. I saw her as being MORE in bondage than before. Rules are not always constricting, not when we follow GOD’S rules, not when those rules are for our good.”
    • Why Christian Women are Taking Up Jewish Practice of Hair Wrapping (Breaking Israel News)
      “Among Christian women, there is a campaign called The Head Covering Movement that promotes the practice of Christian women covering their heads during worship.”
    • Head Covering Reflection/Update (Blessed Beyond Borders, Beyond Boundaries)
      “Two of my friends began covering during worship also. One of the ladies have been covering for about 1 months, another for almost two years….Few months ago our Young Adult Bible Study group was learning 1 Cor. 11. The passage was received well and many believe that the practice has Biblical foundation.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

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