Covering the Web: Jan 16/15

- Why Christian Women Want To Wear Head Coverings (Super Radical Christian Writer Chick)
“…most people’s take on head coverings. If you wear one you must: a) be in a cult b) be a Muslim c) be in one of those Mennonite denominations NONE of these are true for me! I’m just a Christian who is committed to figuring out God’s true will for her life — in all aspects.” - Head covering for Christian women (YouTube)
“Testimony of the reasons why as a Christian woman, I wear head coverings.” - So Long, Cute Hair Do (After “Normal” Ends)
“Last spring, with all of the stress, frustration of what was going on in our marriage, and my decision to take over all aspects of our family, I just got tired of my long hair…This time, I went super short” - Let’s Get Traditional, Traditional. (A Kiwi and an Emu)
We read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and you immediately see that Paul considers headcovering to be part of a tradition. It’s very clear. But to some people it’s not. So let me quickly (hah!) run through the reasons we can know that Paul is talking about a tradition here.” - NOTE: David Phillip’s excellent book “Head Covering Throughout Christian History” is on sale for the Amazon Kindle. It’s only $0.99 through Jan 18th. Please do support this work and if you already have a copy, please leave a review on Amazon.