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Covering the Web: June 19/15

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • How I started to cover my head during worship  (Christian, Crunchy, and Cooking)
      “…I happened to search for sermons by a pastor named Milton Vincent to listen to while I cleaned the kitchen. I saw that Vincent has a series of sermons on the head covering passage and my curiosity was piqued.”
    • Some 60’s (Fresh Modesty)
      “Hey y’all! I hope you are having a lovely day! Here’s what I wore to church this past Lord’s Day.”
    • A Widespread, False Assertion about Corinthian Prostitutes and Paul’s Teaching about Head Coverings (A People For His Name)
      “Have you ever heard that Paul taught the Corinthians that it was shameful for women to cut their hair short or shave their heads because that was what the prostitutes in Corinth did?”
    • What is the historic view concerning head coverings for Christian women? (The Cross Is All We Need)
      “I’m posting quotes from Christian preachers, teachers, and writers through the ages…Some of the quotes are more modern, proving that this teaching, though it has taken a backseat in the church is, in no way, dead.”
    • Abercrombie’s Headscarf Policy Struck Down By Supreme Court (Newsy)
      This judgement sets precedent for Christian women (in America) who cover their heads in the workplace. “The Supreme Court has ruled Abercrombie and Fitch discriminated against a woman when the company chose not to hire her because of something she wore…Since these lawsuits, Abercrombie has had to strike its policy banning employees from wearing headscarfs for religious reasons”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

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