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Covering the Web: Edition #4

Covering The Web

“Covering the Web” is where we shine the spotlight on content about head covering or complementarianism that we did not produce ourselves. Each edition includes articles, videos, photos, as well as e-book deals relevant to our movement’s mission. Links are not endorsements.

  • MUST READ: Must Women Really Keep Silent in the churches? (The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood)
    “What happens if a husband prophesies, and his wife is a prophet as well? Is the husband supposed to be subject to his wife during the judgment of prophecies? Are husbands and wives supposed to suspend male headship during corporate worship? Paul’s answer to that question is a clear no.”
  • The Wise and Industrious Wife (Ligonier Ministries)
    “Every godly husband knows the value of a wise and industrious wife, so it should not be surprising to find that this is the kind of wife that God commends in His Word.”
  • Humility and Obedience: My Experience with Christian Headcovering (Wholly Holy Living)
    “From the moment I humbled myself before God and prayed for Him to destroy the walls of pride separating me from fellowship with Christ, I began to experience more and more desire for humility, a gentle and quiet spirit, and biblical submission to my husband as my spiritual leader.”

The following are a list of limited time e-book deals which are on the topic of biblical manhood and womanhood. If you don’t have a Kindle device, you can install their free reading app on your computer, phone, or tablet. Prices may vary per region.

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If you’d like to have your picture featured here, tag #headcoveringmovement in your relevant Instagram posts (make sure your account is public). You can follow us on Instagram @headcovering.

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