Covering the Web: Edition #11

“Covering the Web” is where we shine the spotlight on content about head covering or complementarianism that we did not produce ourselves. Each edition includes articles, videos, photos, as well as e-book deals relevant to our movement’s mission. Links are not endorsements.

- MUST READ: “Why Men Should not Cover Their Heads in Public Worship…”
“…despite being comfortable wearing my hat in a church, I never would have thought of wearing my hat in the worship service myself. And, for that matter, never once in all my life as a Christian have I seen a man wear a hat in worship. What accounts for this practice?” - “Why on Earth Do Complementarian Men Want to Die for Their Wives?”
“If you want to see where abuse goes to die, look no further than at the Bible’s most extended teaching on marital complementarity. Christian men are summoned here by an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ to love their wives without limit.” - “An Assault upon Complementarianism is an Assault on the Bride of Christ”
“Complementarianism serves to protect women from home intruders and spiritual wolves, heretics, and false prophets. This is God’s plan for both the home, the local church, and the society as a whole.”

The following are a list of limited time e-book deals which are on the topic of biblical manhood and womanhood. If you don’t have a Kindle device, you can install their free reading app on your computer, phone, or tablet. Prices may vary per region.
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: God’s Good Design by Claire Smith (Sale ends Dec 4)
- Women, Sermons and the Bible: Essays interacting with John Dickson’s Hearing Her Voice by Peter Bolt & Tony Payne (Sale ends Dec 4)
- 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know by Kay West (Sale ends Nov 30)
- For Better or for Best: A Valuable Guide to Knowing, Understanding, and Loving your Husband by Dr. Gary Smalley (Sale ends Nov 30)
- Have a New Sex Life by Friday: Because Your Marriage Can’t Wait until Monday by Dr. Kevin Leman (Sale ends Nov 30)
- Courageous: A Novel by Randy Alcorn with Alex & Stephen Kendrick (Sale ends Nov 30)
- Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views by Dan Via & Robert A.J. Gagnon

If you’d like to have your picture featured here, tag #headcoveringmovement in your relevant Instagram posts (make sure your account is public). You can follow us on Instagram @headcovering.
Latest posts by Branson Sanders (see all)
- Covering the Web: Edition #12 - February 26, 2020
- Covering the Web: Edition #11 - November 21, 2019
- Covering the Web: Edition #10 - November 1, 2019