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Covering the Web: Edition #11

Covering The Web

“Covering the Web” is where we shine the spotlight on content about head covering or complementarianism that we did not produce ourselves. Each edition includes articles, videos, photos, as well as e-book deals relevant to our movement’s mission. Links are not endorsements.

The following are a list of limited time e-book deals which are on the topic of biblical manhood and womanhood. If you don’t have a Kindle device, you can install their free reading app on your computer, phone, or tablet. Prices may vary per region.

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If you’d like to have your picture featured here, tag #headcoveringmovement in your relevant Instagram posts (make sure your account is public). You can follow us on Instagram @headcovering.


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Re-post • @podcastbyourlove – Today’s woman has a sign of authority on her head because of the angels, that is, as a testimony to the angels. Only the sisters in the church can testify to this, for women of the world know nothing of it. Today when sisters have the sign of authority on their heads, they bear the testimony that, “I have covered my head so that I do not have my own head, for I do not seek to be head. My head is veiled, and I have accepted man as head, and to accept man as head means that I have accepted Christ as head and God as head. But some of you angels have rebelled against God.” This is what is meant “because of the angels.” I have on my head a sign of authority. I am a women with my head covered. This is a most excellent testimony to the angels, to the fallen and to the unfallen ones. No wonder Satan persistently opposes the matter of head covering. It really puts him to shame. We are doing what he has failed to do. What God did not receive from the angels, He now has from the church.” -Watchman Nee . . . . . Link in Bio For Head Covering Podcast Episode #byourlove #headcovering #christianheadcovering #sistersinchrist #ugandanchurch #homechurch #watchmannee #christianquotes

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