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Covering the Web: Edition #8

Covering The Web

“Covering the Web” is where we shine the spotlight on content about head covering or complementarianism that we did not produce ourselves. Each edition includes articles, videos, photos, as well as e-book deals relevant to our movement’s mission. Links are not endorsements.

  • MUST READ: The Lies of Feminism (Founders)
    “Some still try to sell the ‘Feminism is the radical notion that women are people’ line. It’s a lie that is somehow both blithe and misleading, but at least it’s short enough to fit in an Instagram post.”
  • The Gospel as Interpretive Key to 1 Corinthians 10:31–11:16: On Christian Worship, Head Coverings, and the Trinity (Themelios/TGC)
    “Paul is not simply correcting the behavior of some of the Corinthian women who were dishonoring their husbands in gathered worship (11:4–6). He wants to bring the gospel, and its characteristic dispositions of dignity, humility, and grace to bear on the way in which all Christians worship.” — Note: This article takes the cultural view but is helpful nonetheless.
  • The Abolition of Men? (CBMW)
    “For it is just this that could reinvigorate American boyhood: a vision of manhood that calls him away from self-indulgence and libertinism, and toward self-possession and discipline, embracing his God-given manliness in the service of right vs. racist wrong, good vs. existentialist evil — the kind of community-protecting, relationship-building, family-forming manhood that must be characterized by virtue.”

The following are a list of limited time e-book deals which are on the topic of biblical manhood and womanhood. If you don’t have a Kindle device, you can install their free reading app on your computer, phone, or tablet. Prices may vary per region.

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If you’d like to have your picture featured here, tag #headcoveringmovement in your relevant Instagram posts (make sure your account is public). You can follow us on Instagram @headcovering.


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Re-post • @cassiescorner.shop – “Lord, I offer up this rebel heart So stubborn and so restless from the start I don’t wanna fight You anymore So take this rebel heart and make it Yours Father, I no longer wanna run You’ve broken my resistance with Your love And drowned it underneath the crimson spill So bend this rebel heart unto Your will” I’m not exactly sure why this song hit me so hard as it played on my list today, but it has. It’s made me think of so many instances that after I’ve surrendered to the Father, you feel a peace, and things work out so beautifully. ? Song is; Rebel Heart by Lauren Daigle. Let it play a few times! Have a blessed sabbath, ladies! ❤️? // #headwrap #headcovering #sabbath #shabbatshalom #messianic #headcovering #headcoverings #cassiescornershop

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Re-Posted • @_cat_lady_life_ – The little growing guy i have the honour of watching… The one who taught me to be more patient. To be more of a motherly figure even though im not his mom and im not a mom at all (i do get the mommy thing from ppl though ),i still feel that special attachment. He’s taught me to be more responsible. He’s a handful-energetic and very strong little guy,haha, that’s where i ended up sticking the nickname “my crab” to him. I love him to pieces. So glad God chose Nick to be a part of my life. • • • • • • • • • • •#blessed #nanny #lovehim #loveHim #myboy #nannying #nannyworld #LA #OC #lovehimtopieces #photography #life #specialmoments #growingboy #growingup #love

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