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Head Covering & Praying Without Ceasing

1 Corinthians 11 says that women should cover when “praying” and we know we are supposed to constantly be in prayer. So, does that mean a woman needs to wear a head covering all the time? In this video, Carisa offers some helpful counsel on this topic.

Head Covering 101: Practical Options to Ease Into Head Covering

Nervous about starting #headcovering?

Looking for some tips (and low-key styles) to ease into it?

Here are some suggestions from HCM contributor, Carisa.

What If No One Else At Your Church Wears a Head Covering?

Are you the only one who covers at church? Or would you like to, but are fearful because no one else does? If so, HCM contributor, Carisa, has some advice for you.

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