Our Response to “Uncovering The Head Covering Movement” Part 2: From the Heart of a Head Covering Woman

Adam McIntosh, pastor at St. David’s Reformed Church in Houston, and writing for Kuyperian Commentary, published an intriguing three-part series attempting to “uncover the head covering movement.” In Part One of the series, he introduced “10 vital questions which must be answered” in order to understand what the Bible really teaches about head covering. In Part Two, he attempted to answer these 10 questions. Part Three addressed the “dangers to be avoided” when head covering.
Since Head Covering Movement Co-Director David Phillips already did an excellent job of addressing the theological assumptions and objections brought up in this series, my goal is simply to respond as a head covering woman to some of the ideas put forth in McIntosh’s series. I agreed with some of his ideas. Others I found to be inaccurate. And I felt that some of them were a bit offensive. I will be addressing this from a “heart” perspective. Read more