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Covering Testimony: Allura Lightfoot

Name: Allura Lightfoot | Age: 66 | Location: Mills River, North Carolina | Date started covering: April, 2023

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God has been so good to me. He rescued me from clinical depression back in 2006, a time of life that included an eating disorder, self-harm, irrational & paralyzing fears, straying from the boundaries of my marriage through adultery, and subsequent suicide attempts. He set me FREE and I have walked in that freedom for 17 years now!

God also reconciled my husband and I as we trusted in Him alone, and we are now more in love than when we married 44 years ago! We are active in our church and also in ministry as we stand together at Planned Parenthood against the evil of abortion, offering help to moms with unplanned pregnancies.

I don’t share all this to brag about myself but to boast in the Lord. He has done this mighty work in my heart, and I will sing of His love forever! Without Him, I wouldn’t care about anyone besides myself. Our marriage is a trophy of God’s amazing grace to a lost and dying world. So when the Lord impressed on my heart that covering my head in church was a way to express my love for Him and also to honor my husband, how could I refuse? Read more

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