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“What About Head Coverings?” (Bright Hearth)

Bright Hearth is a podcast devoted to recovering the lost arts of homemaking and the productive Christian household with Brian and Lexy Sauvé.

In this episode, Brian and Lexy discuss one of the most frequently asked questions about marriage, submission, and the interplay of men and women in the church: Should women wear head coverings today? What is 1 Corinthians 11 all about?

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My Husband Doesn’t Want to Go to Church: How Should I Respond?

I Was Unsure What To Do

As my parents’ Ford Ranger rumbled down the dirt driveway – with me at the steering wheel – I struggled within myself about whether or not I was doing the right thing. I was 13 years old and not supposed to be driving on any public roads. This would definitely count as “against the law” – but my mom had told me to do it. I was instructed to drive to the nearby gas station to pick up something she needed. I could have ridden my bike there, but I guess she was in a hurry. 

What should I do? Obey my mom, or obey the law? I prayed for God to help me. Read more

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