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Bold Christian Woman Confronts Her City Council (while wearing a head covering)

This is a great picture of biblical womanhood. By wearing a head covering she is visually proclaiming her belief in God’s role and design for her. However, that does not mean she is a passive woman (much like the Prov. 31 woman). She approaches her government with a quiet temperament all the while bolding proclaiming justice and the gospel to people in high positions. What a beautiful picture to the world, and to the angels!

Head Covering Styles For Beginners

In this video, Christy Overlin (aka. OrganizedMOM) shows you many different head covering styles, including how to wear them.

Lectures on Head Coverings (Video + Audio)

Preacher: Dr. Finny Kuruvilla | Preached: 2018

Dr. Kuruvilla holds an MD from Harvard Medical School, a PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from Harvard University, a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and a bachelor’s degree from Caltech in Chemistry. Dr. Kuruvilla has been a practicing Christian for many years. He has a keen interest in biblical interpretation and church history, for the purpose of fostering a strong and vibrant church today. His interests include ante-Nicene Christianity, Reformation and Anabaptist history, and the Great Awakenings of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. He is the author of King Jesus Claims His Church. He is currently on the board of trustees at Sattler College.

SERMON COORDINATOR NOTES: In this series of lectures, Dr. Kuruvilla explains in depth the history, theology, and practical implications of the head covering taught in 1 Corinthians 11. His clear and precise manner of explanation makes this one of the most informative and understandable expositions of the text.

>> In addition to watching this sermon above, you can also download it in audio form: part one, two, and three.

Heard a good sermon on head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

“Covering the Web” Paused Until Team Positions Are Filled

Hello everyone, this is just a quick notice that because we are under-staffed, moving forward there will be no more issues of “Covering the Web” until we can fill these two positions:

  • Covering the Web Coordinator (Male or Female): One or two people will be in charge of scouring the internet to find relevant content on head covering and biblical manhood/womanhood. This will include searching Google, blogs, and Youtube. You will watch video clips and read articles to separate the wheat from the chaff while noting that which would be helpful to share with our community in our weekly (or bi-weekly) issues of Covering the Web.
    Qualifications: Theologically minded. Have the time and desire to read many articles and watch short Youtube clips. Ability to do (or learn) advanced Google searches (such as negative keywords, search by date, exact phrase match).
  • Social Media Manager (Female preferred): This person will manage our social media pages with a focus on community engagement. We desire to have an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and potentially Pinterest. Though we prefer one person to manage all of them, we are open to multiple people being in charge of one (or more) network(s) each.
    Qualifications: Must be active on social media and demonstrate the ability to craft compelling posts while engaging your audience. We are not looking for someone who simply knows how to use social media, but someone who understands digital marketing and branding.

If you think you’d be a good fit, you can apply here: https://www.headcoveringmovement.com/join-the-team

Dale Partridge Quote Image

Dale Partridge Quote Image

#HeadCoveringMotivation (#5)

The ABCs of Manhood & Womanhood

Head Covering Sermon

Preacher: Pastor Brad Johnston | Sermon Length: 32min 2sec | Preached: January 27, 2019

Pastor Brad Johnson

Brad Johnston began teaching and mentoring at Topeka Reformed Presbyterian Church in July 2010. A native of Indianapolis, Indiana, Pastor Brad has studied overseas (Israel and Scotland), holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Education from Crossroads Bible College, and a Master of Divinity degree from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

SERMON COORDINATOR NOTES: This sermon looks at two acrostic passages that display the Biblical character of man and woman. By looking at what Scripture says, Pastor Johnston lay the framework for understanding what God requires of men and women who seek to live in their respective roles.

>> In addition to streaming this sermon or watching it above, you can also download it.

Heard a good sermon on head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

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