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相補主義クリスチャンの方々への公開レター、Ⅰコリント11章 祈りのベールに関して

An Open Letter to Complementarians about Head Covering
Written by: Jeremy Gardiner (Founder, Head Covering Movement)








教会の歴史を通しても、祈りのベールに関するこの理解は、常に多数派を占める立場でした。米国においても、――フェミニズムが大衆の支持を得るようになる1960年頃までは――祈りのベールはずっと尊守されてきていました。 Read more

Head Covering for Public Worship (by Michael Barrett)

Michael Barrett

Dr. Michael Bar­rett is Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean and Professor of Old Testament at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is a min­is­ter in the Free Pres­by­ter­ian Church of North Amer­ica. For­merly, Dr. Bar­rett served as pres­i­dent of Geneva Reformed Sem­i­nary. He earned his doc­tor­ate in Old Tes­ta­ment Text with a spe­cial focus on Semitic lan­guages. For almost thirty years, he was pro­fes­sor of Ancient Lan­guages and Old Tes­ta­ment The­ol­ogy and Inter­pre­ta­tion at Bob Jones Uni­ver­sity. Dr. Bar­rett has had an active role in the min­istry of the Free Pres­by­ter­ian Church since its incep­tion in North Amer­ica. He is a mem­ber of the Evan­gel­i­cal The­o­log­i­cal Soci­ety and has pub­lished numer­ous arti­cles in both pro­fes­sional and pop­u­lar jour­nals. He contributed to and served as Old Testament editor for The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible. Dr. Bar­rett and his wife San­dra have two sons and five grand­chil­dren. Dr. Barrett’s hob­bies include hunt­ing and think­ing about hunting.

[In addition to reading below, you can view the original PDF of this booklet here.]


The Word of God is the only rule for faith and practice. Christian conduct must be the reflection of biblical standards rather than expedient conformity to changing style or habit. This principle is applicable to every area of Christian life, not the least of which is worship. The Westminster Confession of Faith, the adopted sub-standard of the Free Presbyterian Church, makes a significant statement regarding religious worship: “The acceptable way of worshipping the true God is instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be worshipped according to the imaginations and devices of men” (XXI.i). 1 Corinthians 11 establishes some of the divinely revealed guidelines of acceptable worship. In this chapter, the apostle Paul deals with two essential aspects of public worship: head covering for women and proper observance of the Lord’s Supper. Unfortunately,the regulations concerning head covering have either been misinterpreted, or through expediency, relegated to the sphere of local Corinthian custom which has no applicability to modern, American Christianity. It is the position of the Free Presbyterian Church that the shifting customs of society do not influence or abrogate the imperatives of Scripture. Therefore, the mandate of 1 Corinthians 11 that women must worship with covered heads is as binding today as it was in the first-century church. Read more

David Gooding Quote Image #1

David Gooding Quote Image #1

Source: David Gooding – Symbols of Headship and of Glory


A Uniquely Christian Symbol: How Head Coverings Were Unfamiliar To Everyone








Read more


Will You Stand Alone?: A Call to Be the First to Cover






数年前、TEDのトークショーを観ていたのですが、どのようにしてあるモ―ブメント(運動)が始まるのかについて説明していました。 Read more

Covering the Web: July 7/15

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • How About That Head Covering? (Pursue Righteousness)
      “We’re actually not going to lay out the answer to what might be right in this article. Instead we’re going to ask ourselves: have we studied this passage? Where do we stand? Why did we come to that conclusion?”
    • Is obedience in wearing headcoverings a salvation issue? (The Cross Is All We Need)
      “…while I believe headcoverings are mandated in Scripture and, because of that, the command for a woman to cover her head in a worship service is still in effect, that I do not believe headcoverings are a salvation issue. I stand by this because of grace.”
    • The Blessed Minority?A Word Of Encouragement To Our Headcovering Sisters (Little maiden’s journey with Jesus)
      “No, my dear sister, regardless of your saying/not saying, you are a pioneer and you are playing an extremely important role in His divine history. Just like Abel, who still speaks by faith (Heb 11:4), your faith in action is speaking nonverbal messages to the visible and invisible world.”
    • Mexican Wedding: A Celebration in Simplicity (YouTube)
      Take a look inside a Mexican church where they’re celebrating a wedding. The symbol of headcovering is uphelp.
    • Natasha’s Headcovering Testimony ? || How we wear them! (Garlands of Grace)
      “It was in this book that I came across the passage about women covering their heads while praying or prophesying…I knew then what the Holy Spirit was telling me to do— wear a head covering during worship and dress more modestly.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

The Headcovering in Worship (Free E-Book by David Lipsy)

Headcovering E-Books

Today we have a free e-book for you. It’s by Pastor David Lipsy and it’s his book “The Headcovering in Worship.

First here’s some information on the author:

David Lipsy and Wife

Pastor Lipsy and his wife Ruth were married in 1981 and are blessed with eight children and seven grandchildren. After attending Rutgers College of Pharmacy for four years, Pastor Lipsy completed a B.A. in Education at Lakeland College and served fourteen years as a Christian school teacher and principal in Wisconsin. He received an M.Div. degree from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) in Grand Rapids, MI and completed introductory and advanced certificate programs in Biblical Counseling at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation in Glenside, PA. He is nearing completion of the Doctor of Ministry program in Pastoral Counseling from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia.. He serves as pastor to the HRC congregation in Burgessville, Ontario.

David Lipsy Book

The book is 84 pages in total with nine chapters. One of the chapters even includes a verse-by-verse exposition of 1 Corinthians 11. We want to thank David for making this book available for free to our readers. If you’d like to get a paper copy it’s available through RHB books. To read the PDF for free click below.


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