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Watchman Nee Quote Image #1

Watchman Nee  Quote Image #1

Source: Watchman Nee – Love One Another (Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1975) Page 87

The Understanding Test

The Understanding Test

Have you ever engaged someone in a friendly debate only to hear them say, “That’s not what I really believe” or “That’s not what I mean?” I’ve said that to others and have heard that said back to me. This often happens when we learn about a position from someone who doesn’t hold to it. Though it may be unintentional, when we disagree with a position we will usually not present it in the same way as if we agreed with it.

So how do we know if we truly understand a viewpoint or doctrine? Do we really understand Buddhism and Islam? Calvinism and Arminianism? How about the various views on head covering? How would we know if we really do understand them? Read more

Headcovering and the Young Christian (Sermon)

Headcovering and the Young Christian
Philip Gardiner has been the minister of Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland since January 2007. He was trained at the Whitefield College of the Bible (Northern Ireland). He is currently awaiting confirmation of a visa to go to Australia to be the minister in Perth Free Presbyterian Church. He is married to Cherith and they have two young daughters.

This sermon was preached on Nov 18, 2012 at a youth meeting in Mount Merrion FPC in Belfast. Though it was delivered to youth, it is a sermon that transcends age. In only 38 minutes Philip Gardiner makes a positive case for head covering, speaks about the various objections and explains the principle of headship which the symbol points to. In such a short time he covers an astonishing amount of ground, thoroughly. One thing that stands out in this sermon is Philip’s heart and concern for the things that are greater than the symbol of covering. He asks of the Lord in prayer, “that our lives might be brought into conformity to the Word of God, not merely in the outward practice, but also in the heart“. He shows concern that some objections (particularly, seeing Paul as a Chauvinist–bringing his own cultural views of men/women into the Scripture) undermine the inspiration of Scripture. Also at the end he makes an appeal for everyone to be under the more important covering, the “covering that there is in the precious blood…that covers your sin”. We commend this sermon to you as a short, but jam-packed introduction to head covering.

>>> In addition to streaming this sermon above, you can also download it.

Covering the Web: Oct 4/13

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Uncovering the Head Covering Debate (Christianity Today)
    Not advocating head covering, but an important article because of where it was posted. If you’re visiting us from CT, click here: “If Paul, in inspired Scripture, asks the wives of the church to cover their heads to show that their submission to their husbands as a part of decorum for corporate worship, why don’t we modern complementarians do so? And why, for example, is this small but well-advertised headcovering movement trying to bring it back?”
  • A Long-Lost Secret of God to Strengthen Our Prayer Lives and Marriages (Peacefulwife’s Blog)
    “THIS DOESN’T APPLY ANYMORE, RIGHT? CAN’T I JUST MOVE ON TO THE STUFF ABOUT THE LORD’S SUPPER LATER IN THE CHAPTER? I argued with God. I tried to reason with Him. “I’m doing the long hair thing – that is my womanly glory. Isn’t that enough?” I looked up all the different ways people interpret this passage. I dug deeper – or maybe more accurately, I tried to find a way around what God was asking me to do.”
    NOTE: This post was updated with a new title and post in March 2017. The original is no longer available.
  • Head coverings a key symbol of Amish culture (Ohio’s Amish Country)
    “With many of their own customs and traditions, a distinct segment of this culture is the women’s head coverings. But if visitors were to ask why Amish women wear coverings, what kind of an answer would they receive?”
  • Christian Lady’s Head Covering (Mama Economics)
    “Many of you who have followed our family’s website from the beginning probably noticed that many of our pictures have been changed recently…Today I am going to detail the journey I have traveled that led to the conclusion of wearing a Christian lady’s head covering.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Visiting from Christianity Today? Welcome!

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Yesterday an article was posted on Christianity Today answering the question “what happened to head covering?” It was written by Luma Simms, who has written on this topic before but has now brought the conversation to the mainstream. Though Luma does not agree with our conclusions, we’re glad she was chosen to write on it. She’s smart, informed and her writings bleed grace and humility.

First time here?

If this is your first time visiting this site, I’d just like to welcome you. Our site has many different resources which both make a positive case for the timelessness of head covering as well as responses to various objections. Feel free to browse around and if I can help you in any way please contact me personally.

If this is a new topic to you here’s where I’d recommend starting:

Lastly, here are a few articles I’d like to recommend on topics that were mentioned or alluded to in Luma’s article.

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A Response to “Of Hats and Head Coverings” by Rob Slane (as posted on American Vision)

"Of Hats and Head Coverings" A Response
This article is a response to “Of Hats and Head Coverings (1 Corinthians 11:1-17)” by Rob Slane. We recommend reading his argument in full before reading our response. We’re thankful that American Vision decided to post on this topic as it’s causing many people to look deeper into their Bibles and study 1 Corinthians 11. Though we disagree on many points, we appreciate the respectful, well thought out argument and the invitation to dialogue.

An article was recently published on the American Vision website putting forth a new interpretation of head covering (1 Cor 11). The article was written by Rob Slane and it shares many things in common with the position we advocate (head covering as a timeless symbol). Rob shares that he’s familiar with the debate but doesn’t find any of the three major positions on head covering persuasive (long hair, cultural or it being a timeless symbol). He then shares his understanding of 1 Corinthians 11 “to try and generate some comment”. He calls his position a “minority view” and said he doesn’t expect “anyone to agree with it”. However, he raises many good points that are worthy of contemplation and discussion. I’d like to first articulate back my understanding of Rob’s position and then respond to many of the points he raises. Read more

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