Visiting from Christianity Today? Welcome!

Yesterday an article was posted on Christianity Today answering the question “what happened to head covering?” It was written by Luma Simms, who has written on this topic before but has now brought the conversation to the mainstream. Though Luma does not agree with our conclusions, we’re glad she was chosen to write on it. She’s smart, informed and her writings bleed grace and humility.
First time here?
If this is your first time visiting this site, I’d just like to welcome you. Our site has many different resources which both make a positive case for the timelessness of head covering as well as responses to various objections. Feel free to browse around and if I can help you in any way please contact me personally.
If this is a new topic to you here’s where I’d recommend starting:
- First, read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (this passage is where head covering is taught)
- Second, please read “An Introduction to a Neglected Doctrine“. This is a great intro to the topic that deals with the most important part of the debate, our hearts.
- Third, allow us to present to you a positive case for head covering.
-If you’re a listener, download this sermon series by Milton Vincent on head covering.
-If you’re a reader, start reading through the positive case: Creation order, Angels, Nature, Church Practice.
Lastly, here are a few articles I’d like to recommend on topics that were mentioned or alluded to in Luma’s article.
- Is Head Covering “Majoring in the Minors”? Is it a Distraction?
- Is Head Covering Christian Liberty or a Command?
- Is Head Covering Cultural? What about the Corinthian Prostitutes?
- Can we symbolize our roles using a different symbol?

Uncovering the head covering debate: @ct_women asks what happened to the largely dated practice
— Christianity Today (@CTmagazine) October 1, 2013
Have you seen the Facebook ads for a head covering movement? They got us thinking about what happened to the practice
— Her.meneutics (@CT_women) October 1, 2013