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Covering Testimony: Anna Brown

Head Covering Testimonies

Name: Anna Brown | Age: 30 | Location: Marietta, Georgia (USA) | Starting Covering: 5 years ago

Anna Brown Covering Testimony

1) Introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Anna and I’m married to my wonderful husband Tyler. As soon as we got married I quit my job and became a stay at home wife. After a long time of trying and prayer the Lord finally blessed us with a baby girl in July 2016. I enjoy reading, mentoring younger women, and going for long walks with my dogs.

2) Where do you attend church? Tell us a little bit about it. Do others practice headcovering there?

We started attending a Plymouth Brethren assembly in November of 2016, those are known to be headcovering churches. However, for years I went to non-headcovering churches and was usually the only one that would use veil during worship.

3) What led you to start covering?

I did not grow up as a Christian and gave my life to the Lord by simply reading the Bible. Since it was all new to me, I read the passage in 1 Corinthians 11 without a bias and to me there was no question that I had to cover. However, I often felt ashamed because I was the only one and felt like I had to explain myself when I wasn’t strong enough in my argumentation to defend it. Later I became friends with a young lady who covered and she strongly encouraged me to do so as well. She also pointed me to the Head Covering Movement website which equipped me to argue my point with others while being Biblically sound and grounded in Scripture.

4) What was that first Sunday like when you showed up in a covering?

I felt very nervous about it at first, but once I wrapped the veil around my head I had inner peace about it.

5) When do you use your covering?

I use the veil during public worship but plan also to do so when I will teach our children in the Gospel.

6) What counsel can you give to women that do not cover out of fear?

Don’t be afraid of man! Instead try to learn everything you can find on this topic so that you can rest in the Lord. If God is for us, who is against us? Romans 8:31

7) What would you say is the best and the most difficult aspect about head covering?

You’ll be ridiculed or made fun of but nothing will make you more happy than serving the Lord.

8) What kind of covering(s) do you use? Where did you get them?

I usually wear a long scarf loosely wrapped around my head. I buy them at any department store. However, I recently thought about purchasing an infinity mantilla veil, because they are so graceful looking.

Would you like to share your story of how you came to believe in head covering? Tell us about it here.

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