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Covering the Web: Jan 30/16

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • Head Covering in Real Life (Radical Christian Woman)
      “I’ve asked some of the wonderful ladies in my head covering group to share their photos of everyday head covering in real life situations. I appreciate these ladies letting me use their
      photos. Pictures like the ones below are a constant encouragement to my head covering life.”
    • Faith in the Head Covering (Another Radical Reformation)
      “I believe God wants women to cover their heads when praying or prophesying and men to uncover their heads while praying or prophesying, but I don’t think He ever intended for it
      to be elevated to the level that we [anabaptists] have turned it into.”
    • A day in the life… to cover or not to cover (The Creation Order Mandate)
      “I have been covering since February 2015, fast forward to October. I can liken my experience to a roller coaster ride. But, most of the “dips” were built by my own two hands because I
      didn’t trust my judgment about the passage, didn’t enjoy being “different”, and believed everyone was against me about it.”
    • God’s Glory Alone is to be Seen in the Public Worship Service (A Ruby in the Rough)
      “The reason he “ought not to have his head covered” is that he “is the image and glory of God.” It follows that anything that brings glory to anything or anybody other than to God
      ought to be covered!”
    • Store (Radical Christian Woman) NO LONGER FOR SALE DUE TO PRINTING ISSUE
      Elaine Mingus has a few head covering products for sale on her site. She has head covering shirts and a mug. Well designed! Just click on “Apparel” or “Mugs” on the tabs below.
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.
Jeremy G.

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