What is the Head Covering?

Preacher: Rev. Armen Thomassian | Sermon Length: 54 min 20 sec | Preached: June 10, 2018

Born in Scotland and raised in Northern Ireland, Rev. Armen Thomassian was delivered from the folly of atheism and brought to saving faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 19. He was sent to Australia in 2007 by the Mission Board of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster to supply pulpits in South Australia and Tasmania. He returned in 2009 to commence training for the ministry, graduating in 2014. A few weeks later he received and subsequently accepted a call from across the Atlantic to Calgary Free Presbyterian Church and commenced his ministry there in January 2015. After ministering in Calgary for four years, he was installed as minister of Faith Free Presbyterian Church in January 2019.
SERMON COORDINATOR NOTES: This sermon provides a foundational overview of the topic of head coverings, providing exegesis on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, and addressing popular arguments against the use of head coverings.
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