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How to Share Head Covering With Friends

How to Share Head Covering with Friends

[Guest Author: This article was written by guest author, Elaine Mingus. It is a republished work from her previous blog. If you’re interested in writing for the Head Covering Movement please visit this page.]


Once you discover the biblical mandate to practice headcovering, you probably will find yourself wanting to share this newfound understanding with your friends.

Just like sharing your salvation experience, many women want to express the beauty and freedom they’ve found in obeying and aligning themselves with God’s divine order.

But sharing about something that is… I don’t know… not a part of our “normal” culture can be… scary.

And what makes it more difficult is that some people already have a stereotypical judgment about people who cover their heads.

Here are some tips for how to share head covering with your friends.

1) Be An Example Read more

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