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Covering the Web: Oct 23/13

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Why I wear a hat to church (Stray Thoughts)
    “Sometimes one of the questions is “What is one thing people might not know about you?” One good answer to that question is that I wear a hat, or headcovering, to church, but I have never mentioned it on my blog because I don’t want to be thought weird or misjudged because of it.”
  • Desires of The Flesh // in Nautical Inspired Cardigan (Fresh Modesty)
    A site that gives practical wardrobe encouragement for women. Olivia, the site’s founder, wears a head covering during church. Many of her posts (like this one) show what she wears. Check it out for some ideas. “Headcovering: Simple lace wrapped around my head 3 times.”
  • Ethics: Pastor Requires Women Wear Head Coverings! (Here I Blog)
    We linked to this on social media recently, but not on the site. “As far fetched as it sounds, a Texas pastor banned weaves in his congregation. No doubt we church folks certainly do some weird things sometimes. Banning weaves in church is pretty far-fetched, but what about pastor requiring women to wear head coverings?”
  • Christian Head Coverings – Q&A (YouTube / Know Jesus First)
    “In this video I answer two questions about Christian Head Coverings.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

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