Publication Guidelines
The Head Covering Movement publishes articles within its purposes + goals and in accordance with its doctrinal statement.
Article Submission + Publication Process
- Authors shall submit their article to the HCM editorial team via the article submission page. Please understand that the editorial team functions as both a gatekeeper (we’re looking only for on-topic high-quality articles) and proof-checker (we’re here to help make great articles even better).
- The HCM senior editor will reply to you with a copy of this document, and ask whether you consent to all procedures + policies listed herein.
- You (the author) will retain the copyright to the article, but by submitting article for publication, the author agrees to allow HCM to edit the article and publish it on their website + social media outlets. However, you will be clearly identified as the author. Please see the “Legal Matters” section (below) for further details. HCM’s main intent here is to provide clarity & stability in the article publication process, and to ensure the quality, integrity, and trustworthiness of the material published by HCM.
- The team of HCM editors will review your article:
- If your article fits within the goals of the HCM, they will edit it (for clarity, length, and proper English form) if deemed necessary. They will then either (1) prepare the article for publication, or (2) ask you to revise portions of the work and resubmit it. When preparing the article for publication, the editors reserve the right to modify the title of your article, as well as add (or revise) the section headings within your article, and provide accompanying graphics.
- If your article does not fit within the goals of the HCM, the editors will let you know that they are unable to proceed to publication.
- If your article fits within the goals of the HCM, they will edit it (for clarity, length, and proper English form) if deemed necessary. They will then either (1) prepare the article for publication, or (2) ask you to revise portions of the work and resubmit it. When preparing the article for publication, the editors reserve the right to modify the title of your article, as well as add (or revise) the section headings within your article, and provide accompanying graphics.
- Prior to publication, the editors will send you a copy of the article as it will appear on the HCM website. While this is not the time for discussing substantial revisions, requests for minor changes will be considered and may be approved. After publication, any further edits will be limited to correcting any factual or editorial mistakes.
Legal Matters
By submitting your content to us for potential publishing, you agree that you are providing the content without any expectation of compensation. You also grant us the exclusive right to publish your content for one week following its initial publication. After that first week, you are permitted to re-publish the first 25% of the content elsewhere (if desired), with an accompanying note stating, “This article first appeared at” (with a hyperlink to the full article at HCM’s website). You also grant us an irrevocable right to continue to host and make available your content at in perpetuity. All other rights related to your content are expressly reserved and retained by you. You represent and warrant that the content is your original work, it is previously unpublished, you hold all copyright in it, and it does not violate any right or law. You agree that the timing, manner, categorization, tagging, titling, description, and general presentation of your content, including associated images and whether or not to publish it, are at our sole discretion.
Recommendations & Guidelines
- Please re-read and self-edit your article, before sending it to the HCM editorial team. While HCM has both an international writing team & international audience, we have chosen to, as much as possible, conform to U.S.-style punctuation & spelling, and the MLA writing style.
- If you’re not sure how long your article should be, we recommend aiming for 800-1500 words. Length may vary based on topic & type of article. If your article is very long, it’s likely that we will ask you to shorten it. In some circumstances, we may recommend that you turn your lengthy article into a series of shorter articles.
- Make sure to properly introduce your topic. Example: “While church attire has evolved throughout the centuries, a few things have remained generally consistent.”
- Do you have their attention? Don’t take long to hook into the reader’s interest with an engaging statement or question. Example: “Have you ever wondered what Christians wore to church gatherings back in the first century?”
- What is your main point? After introducing the topic and grabbing the reader’s attention, present your thesis. Example: “Where did this consistency and unity come from? We can answer that question by looking at some clues in Scripture.” Your goal is for the reader to have no difficulty knowing what the main point of your article is.
- Separate your article into sections (with section headings), and separate your sections into paragraphs. Avoid long paragraphs. Paragraphs should have a strategy to their sequence; make sure each paragraph easily leads to your next point.
- Include a conclusion to summarize the article, and to drive home the main point.
- In our context, quality articles often…
- Emphasize Scripture’s reasons + principles behind the practice of head covering.
- Motivate believers to follow 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.
- Connect the practices and/or principles of head covering to the larger context of evangelical beliefs + theology.
- Give God the glory that He deserves.
To submit your article to the Head Covering Movement please visit this page.