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HCM Update: Second Quarter of 2024

Greetings to the worldwide members of the Head Covering Movement!

We hope this year has been going well for you!

We’d like to provide an update about what the HCM Team members have been working on lately, and today seems like an appropriate day to do that.  So without further ado…


David (Co-Director):  By popular demand, David has decided to take a leave of absence in order to start the Head Uncovering Movement for men, especially aimed at male worship leaders who wear ball caps or beanies while singing to the Lord. He’ll also be focusing on the spiritual issues (non-legalistically, of course) behind men wearing skinny jeans and/or pink ties, but is still searching for proof-text passages to use for that.


Jennifer (Facebook Moderator):  At her own invitation, Jennifer has graciously accepted the position of “HCM Matchmaker” for our HCM Facebook Group.  Her focus will be on the women and men who just “happen” to casually note that they’re single, usually mentioned somewhere within their first (and second and third) post. Her services are free for the first 3 months, but matches that end in marriage will require a mandatory freewill donation. Read more

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