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Head Covering Seminar @ Hannover International Bible Church

Reformation, Revival, Repentance Seminar

Should We Wear Head Coverings in Our Worship Services?

The Church is strongly encouraged to prayerfully study with all diligence 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. During these four hours of study we will look at definitions, history, and objections raised. If this command is still applicable to the 21st Century then we must obey for the right reasons. We are to set aside traditions, culture, and previous teachings as we approach God’s word. May the Almighty God who saved us by His undeserved grace lead us in the way we ought to go (Isaiah 48:17-18).

12 March 2014
Seminar #1: Warnings, Hermeneutics, Hindrances, Introduction to 1 Corinthians.
(PDF) (MP3) (PPTX)

16 March 2014
Sermon #1: All for the Glory of God.
(PDF) (MP3) (PPTX)

19 March 2014
Seminar #2: Exegesis, Myths.
(PDF) (MP3) (PPTX)
Handout (Time Line Slide): (PDF)

23 March 2014
Sermon #2: What Shall We Do?
(PDF) (MP3) (PPTX)

> Click here to visit their official page and see their list of recommended reading resources.

Here’s a quote from this seminar by Pastor Bob Hnat:

You have to understand…I taught womens hair was her covering. I taught it. I taught it in this church…I taught the Corinth prostitute thing. I’m guilty. And that’s why this passage and all this study has driven me to my knees, confessing to God of teaching things that did not have real historical and biblical evidence. And so it has driven me to repentance. 1) From Seminar #2 starting at 1hr 44min 29sec.


 From Seminar #2 starting at 1hr 44min 29sec.

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