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Covering the Web: July 31/15

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

    • Communion, Baptism and Headcovering (The Christian Journey)
      “What a joy and peace we can have as we simply practice these things in their simplicity and therefore enter into over 2000 years of Church history that practices these same symbols.”
    • Covenant Cloth (Thinking)
      “Every passage of God’s word to us demands obedience and action. If our explanation means no response is required of us, we have misread God’s word. The fundamental meaning of the headcovering passage in 1 Cor. 11 is that women should show they are under the authority of their covenantal head, publicly and objectively. “
    • Steve Anderson and Long Hair as the Head Covering (Reformed Christian Theology)
      “Anderson warns, “Whenever someone cannot prove something from an English Bible, then it is wrong.” So, I will disprove Anderson without digging into the languages.”
    • Quotes from the 1600’s on Why Women Should Wear Headcoverings (The Cross Is All We Need)
      Anna has compiled 6 different quotes from the 1600’s on Christian headcovering.
    • Headcovering: Now More Than Ever (The Voice of One Crying Out In Suburbia)
      “…the covering is a subversive statement today, a counter-cultural act that quietly witnesses to and stands in defiance of the prevailing culture…Sometimes the ancient practices are the best response to the modern errors.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Four Questions to Ask When Your Husband Has Issues with Head Covering

Four Questions to Ask When Your Husband Has Issues with Head Covering

My husband likes to pull my head covering down when my hair starts to show, but I don’t really mind if my hair peaks out. He also prefers me to wear head coverings that aren’t associated with certain religious groups. As beautiful as the hijab looks to me, he wouldn’t want me to wear that particular style. So what’s a wife to do when her views of head covering don’t align with her husband’s views?

The purpose of a head covering is to honor our head (which is man), but if we dishonor our husband’s wishes for how/when to cover aren’t we undoing the entire purpose of covering in the first place?

Navigating the waters of our husband’s wishes is one of the biggest issues I’ve seen plague the 600+ women of the head covering group I’m a part of on Facebook. If you find your desire to cover in some way at odds with your husband’s wishes, believe me: You. Are. Not. Alone. Read more


Head Covering Objections




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Témoignage de Jeremy : ou comment est né le Head Covering Movement

The Head Covering Movement: A History
Jeremy Gardiner est le fondateur du Head Covering Movement. Il est le mari d’Amanda et le papa de Rachel (4 ans), Mary (3 ans) et George (1 an et demi). Il vit dans le Newfoundland au Canada et fréquente l’église Faith Bible Chapel. Il est aussi le propriétaire du site marchand Gospel eBooks, qui recense les livres numériques chrétiens à prix discount ou gratuits. Il a passionnément à coeur d’oeuvrer pour l’accessibilité de la Bible dans les langues où elle n’a pas encore été traduite (End Bible Poverty), et de remplir le Mandat évangélique (Mathieu 28,16-20). Il soutien les Oilers au hockey, il aime le rap et la technologie.

À maintes reprises on m’a demandé de raconter comment j’en suis venu à croire à la doctrine du voile. Je suis heureux de pouvoir vous partager mon témoignage aujourd’hui.
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Témoignage d’Erin Burnett

Head Covering Testimonies
Name: Erin BurnettAge: 16Location: Belfast, United KingdomStarted Covering: June 2014

Erin Burnett

1) Présente-toi à nos lecteurs.

Je suis lycéenne et je vis en Irlande du Nord. J’ai grandi dans un foyer chrétien et plein d’amour, mais ma conception des rôles de l’homme et de la femme a été faussée par l’église libérale que nous fréquentions (ordination de femmes pasteurs, avortements tolérés, etc). Je ne lisais pas la Bible mais je me comportais de manière très moralisatrice. Dieu a commencé à agir dans ma vie et j’ai soudain eu envie de lire les écritures. C’est là que j’ai été sauvée par le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Au fil du temps je me suis rendue compte que je ne pouvais plus rester dans l’église où j’ai grandi parce que je remarquais que la Bible n’y faisait pas assez autorité. Mes parents m’ont donné la permission de la quitter quand j’ai eu mes 16 ans – ils n’étaient pas d’accord avec mon choix mais ils ont été géniaux en ce que cela n’a pas du tout affecté notre relation. Ces derniers temps, mon temps libre sert surtout à préparer mes examens, mais en général j’adore passer du temps à lire ou à écrire des romans chrétiens. Je m’intéresse également beaucoup à la théologie de Calvin et aux autres réformateurs et j’espère pouvoir étudier la théologie après le lycée. Mon plus grand désir est de devenir une épouse et une maman, mais qui sait ce que Dieu a en réserve pour moi !
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Inconsistent Complementarianism: How the Cultural View of Head Covering Undermines Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

In this video we compare 1 Corinthians 11 with 1 Timothy 2 to show that both headcovering and male eldership are grounded in the creation order. We also show how Complementarians who hold to the cultural view of head covering inconsistently interpret these two Scriptures. We share our concern of how this undermines Biblical manhood and womanhood.

The Head Covering And God’s Order

The Head Covering And God’s Order

[Guest Author: This article was written by a guest author. If you’re interested in writing for the Head Covering Movement please contact us.]

About the author: Brother Greg is the founder of SermonIndex.net which started in December 2002. The ministry began with a burden for true genuine revival from the ministry of Leonard Ravenhill and specifically his book: “Why Revival Tarries.” The ministry of SermonIndex is continually reaching more people with classic preaching from the past and the message of revival.

But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. – 1 Corinthians 11:3

The topic of head covering has never been such a heavily debated topic as in the last 50 years of the Church. Scores of liberal thinking, humanistic and cultural ideas have led to the place where people have repudiated the idea that women should wear head coverings. Multitudes of examples have been given on why someone should not wear a head covering but the interesting fact is very few of these arguments address the clear references to the biblical truth of the meaning behind head covering. Everyone is quick to try and dismiss the need for a piece of cloth on the head yet why is this practice even done in the first place? Some will quickly read over the passage in 1 Corinthians and say it is just a requirement for women to pray in that culture or time. But many statements in the passage clearly show there was a deep spiritual meaning and significance behind the practice. It was not simply a requirement of order for prayer but a much deeper reality of the Church, concerning the angels, and the government of God. Read more

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