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Frederic Louis Godet Quote Image #1

Frederic Louis Godet Quote Image #1

Source: Frederic Louis Godet – Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (Zondervan, 1957) Page 133 – Originally published in 1886.

Rebekah Took Her Veil and Covered Herself (Genesis 24)

Rebekah Took Her Veil and Covered Herself (Genesis 24)

In Genesis 24 we read the account of the marriage between Issac and Rebekah. Abraham (Issac’s father) had sent his servants to the land of his fathers to find a wife for Issac. His servants went as Abraham instructed and prayed for something specific for the Lord to do, to show them which woman would become Issac’s wife. The Lord answered that prayer and Rebekah was shown to be that woman. After they all spoke with her family and received their blessing, Rebekah goes back with Abraham’s servants to meet Issac and become his wife. Later on, Issac is in the field meditating when he looks up and sees people approaching on camels. He starts walking towards them which leads Rebekah (who is on one of the camels) to ask, “Who is that man walking in the field to meet us?” (Gen 24:65). One of the servants tells her that it’s his master, the one who will be her husband. It is at this point where “she took her veil and covered herself.” (Gen 24:65) Once she did this, “Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and he took Rebekah, and she became his wife…” (Gen 24:66)

Since this is an early Biblical record of a woman veiling herself, many wonder how this relates to Paul’s instructions about head covering in 1 Corinthians 11. Before we answer this question we must first review a fundamental principle of Biblical interpretation. Read more

Head Coverings by Jim Wood (Sermon)

Head Coverings by Jim Wood (Sermon)

Preacher: Jim Wood | Sermon Length: 56 min | Year preached: March 2009

Pastor Jim Wood is passionate about sharing the gospel. He wrote his first sermon at nine, preached at fifteen and has been preaching and teaching the Bible, whenever possible, for forty years. Jim is founder and Executive Director of Wears Valley Ranch, a home and school for children from families in crisis. Jim also hosts a radio program, Abiding in Christ, which airs M-F on SiriusXM Family Talk, Channel 131. He and his wife Susan have been married for 36 years and are the parents of seven children.

>>> In addition to streaming this sermon above, you can also download it.

Covering the Web: July 17/14

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Do Christian women cover their head? (Loving Head Covering)
    “There seems to be a modern move towards the practice, particularly in conservative Reformed churches. This is probably best exemplified by the Head Covering Movement.”
  • Head Covering, Part 2: My fear of legalism cannot steal the joy of obedience (Separate & Together)
    “I know, I have felt, and I believe in the freedom and grace of the gospel of Christ, but how do I wrestle with a conviction that seems so…stringent…strict…restrictive… odd? Am I allowing my fear of legalism to steal the joy out of my obedience?”
  • Diversity in the church of Christ (YouTube)
    This guy is inspired when he sees a woman wearing a head covering. “Without constitutions and written creeds, the members of the church have the freedom to follow the scripture they read such as this young lady in front of me who worships with a head covering. Could this be her sincere effort to follow Paul’s instructions on head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11. I love the freedom to follow the Word!”
  • Head Covering – My Testimony (The Journey of a Lifetime)
    “I’ve had a few girls ask me where I stand on the issue of head covering, one of whom asked for me to share how I came to start wearing them, and my convictions on this issue.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

Dia Touto: Listening to Paul’s own Reasons

Dia Touto: For This Reason

The topic of head covering causes many modern readers to scratch their heads. “Why would Paul want women to cover their heads? And why does he forbid men from doing the same? Surely there has to be a reason.” Thinking that there is no explanation for this practice in the Scriptures, many believers turn to cultural studies to fill in the presumed gaps. When this is done, some form of cultural significance is usually attached to the passage and seen as the key to interpreting it correctly. This then obscures the actual reasoning that the Apostle himself gives. Let’s now turn our attention to the two Greek words that let us know that there is a biblical reason for head covering. Read more

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