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Bruce Waltke Quote Image #2

Bruce Waltke Quote Image #2

Source: Bruce K. Waltke – 1 Corinthians 11:2-16: An Interpretation (BSAC 135:537, Jan 1978) – Page 56

What about Women Who Can’t Grow Their Hair Long?

Head Covering Objections
The Objection: It is not natural for all women to have long hair. Many women cannot grow their hair long even if they wanted to. Since entire people groups (African women for example) could leave their hair uncut and it still be short, it’s unfair to say all women should have it long.

It is often pointed out that some women don’t possess the ability to grow their hair long. If that is so, how can we say it’s natural for them to have long hair? First it’s important to establish that by “long hair” we don’t mean that all women worldwide must wear their hair long according to Western standards. “Long” must be understood culturally in contrast to the length of mens short hairstyles. Just like dressing modestly, there are some outfits which clearly do not fit the label no matter the culture. Likewise, there are some hairstyles which couldn’t be called ‘long’ no matter where one lives. However, there is a fair amount of subjectivity to it as well. A North American definition of modest attire for example, will actually be seen as immodest in some middle-Eastern countries. Likewise, we must not import our definition of “long” to other people groups where the texture of their hair differs or their short/long styles don’t parallel ours.

A Broken Picture

Once we’ve allowed some flexibility with our definition of long, there still remains the fact that some women cannot grow their hair to a length that would be considered “long” in their culture. Read more

Covering the Web: Feb 7/14

Covering The Web

Shining a spotlight on the head covering discussion happening worldwide.

  • Head Covering in Modern Times. Is This A Necessary Practice? (Children Are A Blessing)
    “Months ago I began subscribing to a site called The Head Covering Movement. (Yes, my husband has teased me for this, ha!) Anyhow, while reading their articles and blog posts I began to piece a few clues together that has made this passage become clear to me.”
  • Sunday Brunch – Should Women Cover Their Heads? (Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog)
    Fiction author Cecelia Dowdy brings up the topic and turns it over to you for your thoughts: “Please leave a comment about this thought-provoking subject!”
  • Head-Covering: Is It Still Relevant? (Regeneration, Repentance and Reformation)
    “While the sign upon her head, and it must always be that upon the head if any, may change according to the day, the necessity of it remains. The church has held to this position for nearly two millennia until the sexual revolution and women’s liberation movement; this is an historical fact that cannot be easily dismissed by revisionism.”
  • So…head covering…yes or no? (Blessed Hope Farm)
    “Now, after my long rant in that previous post some of you are still wondering: What did she decide about the head covering and what does it all mean?! I know you are waiting with bated breath so I’ll tell you already.”
Found an interesting link about head covering or biblical manhood/womanhood? Tell us about it here.

John Murray Quote Image #3

John Murray Quote Image #3

Source: John Murray – Head Coverings and Decorum in Worship: A Letter (1973) Point #2

Will You Stand Alone?: A Call to Be the First to Cover

Will You Stand Alone?: A Call to Be the First to Cover

To stand alone is hard, real hard. It’s tough to go against the grain and be different. There is comfort and safety in numbers. No one wants to be stared at, looked down upon, laughed at or left out. No one wants to be the crazy, different person. For many women who are convinced head covering is for today, taking the leap to practice it alone is often the scariest part. “If only there were others” is their cry.

The Lone Dancer

I remember watching a TED talk a few years back about how a movement is started. Read more

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